Have some debt to pay off? We help you keep track of your debts, balances and payments to help you get an idea of how soon you can pay off all your debts using the debt-snowball method.
With our Dashboard view, you can get a high level overview of your budget by seeing changes in your account balances over the past 30 days, and tracking your envelope spending vs. allocation in a given month.
Want to view and manage your transactions on the calendar? No problem. We have that feature too. With the calendar view you can see your spending trends over time to help you reign in those unplanned purchases.
Need to find an old transaction? No problem. Our comprehensive search will help you find that needle in haystack of old transactions. Yes, you did make a pay your medical bill 6 months ago. You have proof!
We believe that you should see and manage every transactions that goes through your bank account. That said, we don’t want you to spend all day working on your budget. We’ve designed our tool to be fast and efficient to help you assign transaction quickly and get on your way.
We allow you to quickly created custom filter rules so that the next time a transaction comes in, you can verify and assign to an envelope with the click of a button!
Download transactions directly from your bank! If your bank supports OFX Direct Connect, we can import your transactions automatically into your account with the click of a button.
Note that not all banks support this. If your bank does not support direct connect, you can log into you bank and download transaction files to import into Envelope Budget.
For more information see All About Bank Accounts.