Recently I saw that Dave Ramsey had a sale on all his audio books. I already owned most of them through (<– affiliate link). There were a few I didn’t have: The audiobooks to the Jr. Series and an audio titled “High Performance Achievement“. I purchased both. With the sale it cost me a total of $8.00.
Last weekend I was painting my kitchen ceiling. I decided to put on the High Performance Achievement audio. I didn’t really know what it was about. It turned out to be a 30 minute training that Dave gave in one of his weekly company meetings.
He took his experience of training for and completing his first (and last) marathon and turned it into a parable for accomplishing many things in life.
It was so good I listened to it three times! It was the best way to pass the time of rolling paint on a ceiling.
While he talked about preparing and running a marathon, that’s not really what it is about — though it *almost* made me want to train for a marathon. But, since I just herniated my L5-S1 disc for the second time and I can’t feel my left leg from the knee down right now, I don’t really feel like putting this on my bucket list at the moment.
The bullet points:
- Establish a big hairy audacious goal.
- Plan out the incremental steps.
- Find people who have accomplished the same or similar goals and study how they did it.
- Heed the warnings of the experts, but don’t let those become negatives.
- Decide what you’re willing to sacrifice to hit high performance achievement.
- Keep away from negative people and get around positive influences.
- Visual your plan in your mind repeatedly.
- Finishing is winning. Celebrate your win.
A lot of the audiobooks I listen to are business related. While this one is business related, it really can be related to anything in life. It is an audio I would have my wife and kids listen to.
I highly recommend it.