The Story Behind

As many of you know, I created which I launched in June of 2009. It was a difficult process coming up with a good name for the new budget software. I settled on Inzolo which means peace or tranquility in Xhosa — a South African tribal language that I picked up a few phrases while serving a 2 year LDS mission there.
I happened to acquire the domain name and wondered how to use it. I send out a survey to Inzolo users and it was the answers between the lines that prompted me to not just rename it, but rewrite it into a new system.
Why the rewrite?
I decided to rewrite for a few reasons:
- I didn’t want to force Inzolo users to change. I decided to keep up indefinitely for those who had become familiar with it and wanted to keep using it.
- It provided a clean slate. I wanted a responsive design and I didn’t want to have to retrofit the existing site into the new design.
- Since I hired programmers for the rewrite, it would allow them to know the system much better.
- There were some database changes I wanted to make. It would have been difficult making these in Inzolo without a stressful migration process.
As a rewrite project often does, it took a little longer that expected, but I’m pleased with the result. I have switched from using Inzolo to EnvelopeBudget so I’m fully committed.
While we are a start-up, we keep our costs minimal. We don’t rely on any outside funding. We are in this for the long haul and we eat our own dog food as they say.
Until next time,