Dave Ramsey Coming to Salt Lake City (Discount)

As many of you know, I’m a BIG Dave Ramsey fan and his courses have greatly influenced this budgeting system. Dave Ramsey is coming to Salt Lake City to speak for the third time. I had the opportunity to have backstage passes the first two times he came and enjoy lunch with him and sit on the front row.
The first two times were for a 1-day Financial Peace University event. This time he is coming for two events:
See Dave LIVE in Salt Lake City on 5.13.2014
Dave is bringing his event for leaders — EntreLeadership 1-Day to Salt Lake City! This 1-day event is based on Dave’s New York Times #1 best-seller, EntreLeadership. At the event, Dave will show you how to be the leader you can be. Whether you’re an individual who wants to develop your leadership abilities, a business or organizational leader who wants to develop your team, or an entrepreneur who wants to build a business on solid, proven principles, EntreLeadership 1-Day is for you!
We have a promo code to give you discounted seats on standard or VIP passes. Follow the link below and enter the promo code ALPINE to save $10 on this amazing business/leadership event. The code will also waive the $5 service fee.
Hurry though, the VIP section will sell out quickly.
See Dave LIVE in Salt Lake City on 5.14.2014
Your family tree is rooted in decisions. This is your chance to branch out and change things for your family and determine your personal legacy.
At The Legacy Journey LIVE Dave will share how to live now so you leave a powerful legacy for your family. You’ll learn how to build wealth and why it’s important, the keys to wise investing, and expose toxic beliefs about money. You’ll also learn how you can meet your family’s future needs, and reach out to impact the world around you. You’ll walk away with the practical steps leading from where you are to where you want to be.
Follow the link below and use the promo code ALPINE to order your tickets and get a $10 discount on both general admission and Premium passes. The code will also waive the $5 service fee per ticket. Hurry, this event is filling up quickly with less than 200 seats available in general admission.
The code will also give you a $10 discount on Dave’s EntreLeadership 1-Day event, on Tuesday, May 13, also at Abravanel Hall.